Increase/Decrease Markers

Increase/decrease markers are designed to be used where a pattern requires to you to increase or decrease stitches periodically. They act as a reminder that you are beginning a row where increasing or decreasing is to occur.

When working with a pattern that contains special rows (e.g. increase, decrease, cable etc.), you're always going to need to know what you need to do at the beginning of the row. As an example, if a pattern requires increases on rows 5 and 10; you need to be notified of this as soon as you've finished rows 4 and 9. If you set increase markers in Knit Counter on rows 5 and 10, an increase marker will be displayed when the row counter reaches 4, and 9 respectively.

Adding periodic markers
  1. Enable edit mode by tapping the "Edit" button in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap "Edit Increase/Decrease Markers".
  3. Tap "Add Interval..."
  4. The screen that appears shows the available options for periodic markers. You must set the "Increase every" and the "Starting with row" values before you can save a periodic marker. Setting the "Repeat" value is optional. Markers without a repeat value will repeat indefinitely.
  5. As an example, we'll set up a marker for an increase every 6 rows, starting from row 12, repeating 5 times. New markers default to being increase markers, but you can set them to be decrease or general alert markers by tapping the appropriate button at the top of the screen. Note that Knit Counter will not allow you to set markers that are beyond the row counter's limits. If you have a limit of 10 set on your row counter, "increment every" and "starting value" must be 11 or less. (It's 11, rather than 10, because when the row counter is at its limit of 10, you're at the beginning of the 11th row.)
  6. Tap "Increase every 0 rows".
  7. Type 6, then tap "Save".
  8. Note that the starting value has also been set to the value you just entered. Whenever you set the interval value, the starting value is set as well. Tap "Starting from 6".
  9. Type 12, then tap "Save".
  10. Tap "Repeating indefinitely".
  11. Type 5, then tap "Save".
  12. Tap the "Save" to finish adding the marker and return to the previous screen.
  13. The marker you have just added will be displayed at the top of the screen.
  14. Tap the "Projects" button at the top left of the screen to return to the project editor.
  15. Tap the "Done" button at the top right of the screen to exit editing mode.
Removing periodic markers
  1. Enable edit mode by tapping the "Edit" button in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap "Edit Increase/Decrease Markers".
  3. Tap the red delete button next to the marker you want to remove.
  4. Tap the "Delete" button that appears on the right of the marker.

  5. Tap the "Projects" button at the top left of the screen to return to the project editor.
  6. Tap the "Done" button at the top right of the screen to exit editing mode.
Adding custom markers
  1. Enable edit mode by tapping the "Edit" button in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap "Edit Increase/Decrease Markers".
  3. Tap "Specify Custom Values..."
  4. You'll be presented with a numbered grid. The squares in the grid correspond to your project's rows. For this example we'll set increase markers for rows 5 and 20, decrease markers for rows 10 and 25, and general alert markers for rows 15 and 30.
  5. Tap once on a square to set an increase marker on it. Tap a second time to change the increase marker into a decrease marker. Tap a third time to change a decrease marker into a general alert marker. Tap a fourth time clear the marker for that row. Note that if you have added any periodic markers to your project they will be visible here, however periodic markers cannot be edited from the custom markers editor. Note that Knit Counter will not allow you to create links that are beyond the row counter's limit. If you have a limit of 10 set on the row counter, all of the grid squares above 11 will be disabled. (It's 11, rather than 10, because when the row counter is at its limit of 10, you're at the beginning of the 11th row.)
  6. Tap the "Save" to finish adding the custom markers and return to the previous screen.
  7. Tap the "Projects" button at the top left of the screen to return to the project editor.
  8. Tap the "Done" button at the top right of the screen to exit editing mode.
Removing custom markers
  1. Enable edit mode by tapping the "Edit" button in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap "Edit Increase/Decrease Markers".
  3. Tap "Specify Custom Values..."
  4. Tap the "Clear All" button at the bottom of the screen to remove all of the markers at once. (You can also remove individual markers by tapping on them. Increase markers can be removed by tapping three times, decrease markers can be removed by tapping twice, general alert markers can be removed by tapping once.)
  5. Tap "Clear All" to confirm that you want to remove all of the markers. Note that if you have added periodic markers to your project, these will still appear in the custom marker editor. Periodic markers must be removed separately by following the steps documented here.
  6. Tap the "Save" to finish removing the custom markers and return to the previous screen.
  7. Tap the "Projects" button at the top left of the screen to return to the project editor.
  8. Tap the "Done" button at the top right of the screen to exit editing mode.
Using markers
  1. Once you've added markers to a project, the markers will appear at the bottom left of the screen.
  2. When you reach the start of a row you've set a marker for (e.g. once you've completed the row before an increase row), the increase, decrease or general alert marker will light up as appropriate. If you have alert sounds enabled, you will also receive and audible alert.